Friday, January 23, 2009

KNOW UR Value....!

KNOW UR Value....! A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a Rupee 500 note.

In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this Rupee 500 note?"

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this note to one of you

but first let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the note up.

He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.

"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth Rupee 500/-.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value.

You are special. Don't ever forget it! Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams.


Friday, January 9, 2009

5 management gurus

1) ANT

Ant Philosophy related to Hard Work, Commitment to Win, Communication and Team Effectiveness.

Message from Ants.

.1. Earn First. Spend Later.

2. Invest First. Consume Later.

3. Simplicity is the most precious asset that one should own.


Think of Oyster and the first thing which comes to our mind is 'Pearl'. We all know that the Oyster lives in a shell. When any irritation gets into its shell, the oyster first tries to take it out. But when it can't, it uses the same irritations to create one of the most beautiful things in the world. It uses the irritations to do the best thing it can if given a chance. Yes it makes a Pearl. Message from Oyster.."Create a pearl every time you face adversities"When faced with problems majority of us tend to complain, crib, disagree, blame and hold others responsible. We avoid facing problems and doubt our ability to create a Pearl.


Eagle is one of the best Management Gurus to represent Change. The ability to deal with change is a must quality for today's global, fast moving and ever changing environment. We all must be aware of the wonderful qualities of eagle related to speed, patience and sharp vision etc. However, one of its best qualities is Change management. As per studies, eagle has an average life expectancy of around 60 years. However when it reaches around 30 years of age, its beak and wings get weaker not allowing eagle to fly and catch food efficiently. So the eagle breaks its own beak, which then takes around a month to grow it again. Then with the new healthier beak the eagle takes off all its wings, which again takes a time period of another month to grow them again. Thus the eagle voluntarily invites temporary pain and sacrifices for a better tomorrow! The eagle is ready again to fly and catch food with the same energy and speed. Like eagle we should also be alert and ready to accept the fact that to adjust with ever changing environment; our knowledge, skills and abilities need to be upgraded and enhanced continuously.


Trees have so many management principles to be shared with us. It can help us at any stage and in each area of our life. They teach us to believe in Vision and Planning to achieve the same. It also teaches us Patience, Strategic Growth and Selfless Service. All huge trees begin their lives as a small seed initially and then they grow in stages. The higher a tree grows; the more it needs to spread its roots deeper. Here the growth of tree represents our growth in various areas of life and the roots represents our knowledge, hard work, skills, dedication, sincerity, patience, genuineness, relations, contacts, network, commitment to win, positive attitude and over all management of our time, energy and money in a productive way etc. Thus in order to grow as an individual, family or an organization we need to spread our roots deeply and firmly. Apart from growing higher, the trees also spread across branches. It represents that we should also try to spread across various dimensions of life and strike a balance between the personal, professional, social and spiritual areas of our lives. Also, within the sphere of life try to diversify further i.e. to be open to take up new assignments, play various roles, develop diverse skills and acquire varied knowledge. It will help us to grow from execution level to management level and from there to leadership, in each aspect of life.


What other statement could have been best fit to explain the power of one of the best management principles followed by chameleon? What is that? As we all know that chameleon has got a natural ability to change colors, which help it for self-protection, hiding from target food, communication and also display of physical and psychological condition etc. We all should learn to be human chameleon i.e. try adjusting to people, environment / surrounding; while thinking, communicating and taking decisions; by controlling and managing our internal environment i.e. our emotions and psychology. Be owner of your own 'Mind', the final ruler of body

Friday, January 2, 2009

Faith Iies in......

It is so important right now to have faith. Nevertheless, faith alone is not enough, it is who you put your faith in. Men have created many answers and an appearance of solutions to many of life’s problems, but they have no power. Science can present evidence but faith is the substance of the thing you hope for and the evidence of things you can’t see. So, in essence, faith is the evidence that whatever you desire or hope for is done because your faith is not alone nor in the intellect of man or things but wrapped up in the power of God. Now let us remember when we refer to man, we are not always referring to an outsider, sometimes the “man” is ourselves, male or female. We often times believe in our intellect or methods of accomplishing, but let us be honest. We have let ourselves down on many occasions, but God won’t let you down.

My mother blessed me with this analogy some years ago and I would like to share…. It’s like having a bullet and a gun. A bullet is nothing without a gun. For instance, if I throw a bullet at someone it does not have the same effect, but if I put it in the gun and fire it, it will do some damage. That is a demonstration of faith in God. God is the gun that catapults your faith to penetrate the thing being hoped for, resulting in an impact of manifestation. However, faith in man is like throwing the bullet with your hand, nothing happens…..So keep the faith, and keep it in the power of God!!

Today is a day of powerful faith!!!!

Have a great day!!!!

Faith-Still Alive

The night falls, a lonely heart callsFor someone to guide it through the darkening hallsOf depression, and into the light of dayBut no-one’s coming to show the waySo the heart within slowly turns to stoneKnowing it will be eternally aloneTrapped in shadow, hopelessly lost on the trailWatching this life disperse and derail
Each day passes the same, the faith fades awayNot even the reflecting beauty of the bayCan change the mind - but who’s to saySomeone won’t come along to where they layTake them by the hand, lift them up off the groundWhisper in their ear, tell them that they have foundThe one to which their heart does belongAs the choir of angels burst into song-