Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Inner Being Communicates Through Emotion

You are much more than you see here in your physical body, for while you are, indeed, a wondrous physical creator, you exist, simultaneously, in another dimension. There is a part of you, a Non-Physical part of you we call it your Inner Being that exists right now while you are here in this physical body.

Your emotions are your physical indication of your relationship with your Inner Being. In other words, as you are focused upon a subject and have your specific perspective and opinion about it, your Inner Being is also focused upon it and has a perspective and opinion about it. The emotions that you feel are your indication of the match or mismatch of those opinions. For example, something may have happened and your current opinion of yourself is that you should done better or that you are not smart, or that you are unworthy. Since the current opinion of your Inner Being is that you are doing fine, and that you are smart and eternally worthy, there is a definite mismatch in these opinions, and you would feel this mismatch in the form of negative emotion. On the other hand, when you feel proud of yourself, or love yourself or someone else, your current opinion is a much closer match to what your Inner Being is feeling in the moment; and in that case, you would feel the positive emotions of pride, love, or appreciation.

Your Inner Being, or Source Energy, always offers a perspective that is to your greatest advantage, and when your perspective matches that, then positive attraction is occurring. In other words, the better you feel, the better your point of attraction, and the better things are turning out for you. The comparative vibrations of your perspective and that of your Inner Being are responsible for this magnificent Guidance that is always available to you.


I got an email which attacked me and called me a liar, a manipulator and all kinds of other lovely adjectives from a person who know me. At first, I was really hurt and cried. I was angry at the injustice of what was being said to me , when I had done absolutely nothing to deserve any of it. I started to email the person back to defend myself, and to “set the record straight”.
I got about half way though writing this email, angry and hurt back to the person. I then stopped myself. I started to breathe. I let myself calm down and really thought about what this email would accomplish. Would the person suddenly be convinced of my innocence? Would the suddenly see they light? Or would it simply go into the whole ugly she said and make things even worse?
Then I thought, what is the correct and moral thing for me to do at this point? The correct thing to do was to give the situation up to God. I wished the person well, I told the other people in my family that I love her and will pray for her And that was that.
It is indeed a hard thing to turn the other cheek when you are wronged. When people are unjust to you. she taught a very hard lesson with this one.