Monday, August 25, 2008

comfortable with me

When I’m comfortable with me, I’m comfortable with you.
I can’t expect you to give me peace and serenity — they come from within, and they are nurtured by spiritual growth. If I’m uncomfortable with myself, not at peace, the tension spills over into my relationship with you, and nothing seems quite right.
We are each responsible for our own serenity. It develops out of knowing who we are and what we need, accepting our flaws along with our potential for positive change, and believing in the force for ultimate good.
To be comfortable with ourselves requires that we face our inner tigers and stare them down. When we can enjoy our time alone without needing to escape into some form of distraction, we know serenity.
How comfortable I am when I’m with you depends on my level of self-esteem. When it’s high and healthy, I can relate to you without demanding consciously or unconsciously that you make up for what I lack. The serenity I crave results from my own commitment to recovery through spiritual growth.

Moral:The inner work I do today will help nurture my relationships.

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