Friday, August 29, 2008

Who is God ?

What fills the entire universe (the ultimate of human understanding) and beyond?

The entire universe is only filled with matter and energy. The energy that pervades the entire universe is the God.
If a person doesn’t realize this, he is blind. Because the possession of this knowledge is the vision.
Once four blind men (human beings) tried to feel an elephant (God).
The one who felt the leg told that it was like a pillar.
The one who felt the ears told that it was skinny and flexible.
The one who felt the abdomen told that it was like a wall.
The one who felt the tail told that it was like a stick.

Because of their blindness (lack of knowledge), they were not able to feel the whole elephant (God). But everyone’s feeling was true, though were only a part of the entire knowledge.
Similarly, human beings all feel the same God in different forms. Shiva, Vishnu, Jesus, Allah are all the different parts of the same God. Just like you cannot compare different parts of the elephant, you cannot compare those manifestations. Legs cannot be compared with the ears or the eyes or the abdomen. They serve different purposes. When you feel the legs after you have felt the ears, the feeling of ears should not be forgotten.

It is the same energy that is present in all people also. So, human beings are also only a manifestation of God. Not just human beings, everything(living and non-living) has God. Only people don’t realize this.
Just like a stone laying on ground has less energy than the one falling from the sky, people have lesser energy, while Shiva, Jesus, Allah have more of the energy.

God never hurts anyone. Only people think they are hurt. There is absolutely nothing to regret. Though energy has control over matter, it is not bound to it. The body which you hold is not permanent. Live like you may die anytime. Never bind yourself to anything. Let the things that happen, happen freely. Do only things that keep you happy. Death is not a thing to feel bad about. Its after all a way to free your soul from this body. Your soul has always greater knowledge than when it is born in your body. In Mahabharata, did Krishna not know to save all his men? He let them die only because he knew that it was their best destiny.

Once God sent His slave to take the life of a poor and sick woman, who had a child with one arm disabled. The slave who was sent, because of his human thoughts, took pity of the child and leaves the woman. But God knows what happens, and gets the job done through His other slaves. He asks the first slave to go and live in earth, and live there till he learns the truth behind God’s action. The slave comes to earth and lives as assistant to a tailor. He never spoke a word. Few years later, one day a lady came with a baby with one arm disabled. The lady gave rich cloth and told that she wanted it to be stitched for the baby with one hand loose for the baby. Later another day, a rich man comes and wants a coat to be stitched for him. But the God’s slave smiles and stitches a blanket using the cloth. Seeing that the tailor yells at him. But quite in sometime, a man comes and tells that the rich man who came passed away, and wanted a blanket for him. Again in a few days, the wife of the tailor, chases him away for some reason, and refuses to give him any food. But the slave turns to leave without saying a word. Then the tailor’s wife feels sorry and calls him back. The slave again smiles. The tailor out of curiosity asks, why he never spoke a word and who he is. The God’s slave then explains the whole thing. He tells that he learnt three things during the time he stayed with the tailor. God, though took the life of the mother of that disabled child, had made arrangements for the child to have a rich and caring mother. The ways of God may be unorthodox, but they work better than human ways. Next thing, is that human beings never think that they can be dead anytime. The rich man who asked for the clothes was dead very soon. When they realize that they can die anytime, they will not want worldly pleasures, because they will not be their possessions after they die. At last, he tells that he saw devil in the wife of the tailor’s wife when she chased him away and quite soon saw God in her when she offered him food. Good and bad (God and devil) are not separate entities. They are only present in you. Only your mind determines who is present in you. So, never expect God to be come with a body. God is free of everything and so doesn’t possess any body. He comes only in the form of human beings. He will come in the body of people around you, maybe your parents, friends or people totally unrelated to you. When you believe God is present in the stone in a temple, why don’t you believe that he can come in the living body of the human beings? The slave then reached God again.

All happiness you get from worldly things are only temporary. From the experiences of many great people, it is that happiness that you get from God that is the greatest. But that cannot be expressed in words, only felt. All the pleasures and relationships you find in this world are not permanent. That doesn’t mean you have to leave them very abruptly. When you start craving God, they will happen in a smooth manner.

What you do in this world is totally unrelated to God. There are three ways to attain God.
By doing your work, without expecting the gains. Once, a saint helped a scorpion to get out of water but it stung him and fell back into water. He again helped it get out of water, but it again stung him. As this was happening a passer-by asked him why he was doing it. He replied that it was his nature to help it, while it was the scorpions nature to sting him.
By knowing everything. You have to know what is good and bad. At last when you realize that everything is meaningless there will be nothing you will hold your interest in. That is the highest state you can ever reach.
By devotion. You keep praying God, and want Him to take you. Here it allows you to have interests in things.

Whatever way you follow, at last you will find that everything is meaningless. There is will be no discrimination. You will find that your individuality is lost and that everything is only God. You will hold no interest in anything. That is the highest state

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