Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Woman Cheat.........

The reasons why Women cheat in a relationship are often different than the reasons why Women cheat. A Woman’s reason for cheating can encompass a wide variety of reasons including genetics, a sense of challenge, self esteem and a lack of interest in their current relationship. While none are justifiable all of these can be reasons why a Woman chooses to stray and cheat on his current partner. Although genetics may factor into why Women cheat on their partner it may also just be a week defense for a Woman who is caught in his unfaithful actions. A theory exists that testosterone levels in Women make them more susceptible to infidelity. This theory is based on the hypothesis that Women are genetically predisposed to cheating because they are ingrained with the notion that the survival of the species is dependent on their procreation. While this may be true it is certainly not an excuse for unfaithfulness in our age of overpopulation. It may be true that in prehistoric times, Women were tasked with populating the earth this is certainly not true today and is not a defensible excuse for cheating on your partner. The truth is that in a truly loving relationship a Woman should be able to control himself and remain faithful despite any hormonal urges to produce offspring. The theory of Woman being predisposed to cheating does not hold water because while it may be true, there is no excuse for not being able to quell these urges. Another reason Women cheat is because they feel a sense of challenge in their infidelity. Actually being able to get away with an affair is a challenge that Women enjoy. Additionally they enjoy the challenge of finding other Women with which to cheat. To them the affair is more about the conquest then anything else. Sure they may enjoy the physicality of the affair, but the pursuit and sneaking around is what really drives Women who cheat on their partners. They see fooling their partner as a tremendous accomplish moment and they enjoy the logistics of orchestrating the affair without their partner learning of their transgressions. To them the thrill of sneaking around and the fear of being caught creates and adrenaline rush that is more important than the affair or even their current relationship. Women also cheat because they are driven by competition. If there friends are single or cheating on their partners and often have affairs with several Women the Woman may feel that he needs to keep up with his friends. To these Women affairs become a way of competing with their friends. Infidelity in Women is often driven by a sense of competition. To many Women also engage in affairs because doing so is an ego boost for them. The knowledge that they can find multiple Women willing to engage in an intimate relationship with them is a tremendous self esteem builder for some Women. They take pride in the ability to attract Women and don’t care about the fact that doing so may destroy their relationship. To these Women the excite moment of the chase is almost more important than the conquest. Sometimes just knowing that other Women find them desirable, is enough to stroke the ego of these Women. In general it is a lack of self esteem on their part that drives them to seek out affairs in order to reiterate their attractiveness and desirability. A Woman who is in an undesirable relationship may also be driven to cheat on their partner. If the relationship has begun to wane and the Woman no longer feels the same attraction to his partner he may seek out an affair out of boredom. If he feels his current relationship is lacking excite moment he may also be driven to cheat in the hopes that he will find the excite moment he desires elsewhere. While the wise thing may be to end the deteriorating relationship in search of a new more desirable partner, To many Women opt to hold onto the current relationship and engage in affairs. This may be because they fear that they may not find what they are looking for and may be left lonely and without a partner so they hold onto the failing relationship figuring that a bad relationship is better than none at all. Women cheat for a variety of reasons. While none of these reasons may be justified, they do exist. The reasons that Women cheat include genetics, competition, self esteem and boredom. In general while genetics may play a small part in the urge for Women to cheat the majority of cheating takes place because Women cannot control their sexual and competitive urges, are lacking in self esteem or are unhappy in their current relationship.

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